If you obtain coverage through Medicare, please fill out a form here rather than using on-line scheduling.
Monday through Friday
General Adult
Wednesdays 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Child & Adolescent
Tuesdays 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Existing Patients: 
"Follow-Up"         =  1 hour session
"Medication Check" =  30 minute session.
*Goldberg Psychiatry is an out-of-network provider. Patients are responsible for the full fees charged, to be paid via credit card, at the appointment time. Any insurance information collected is for informational purposes only. For more details, click here.

Diet & Nutrition Counseling

Lisa's Approach

My past experience as an athlete, in conjunction with my education in nutrition, has led me down a path of connecting both movement and nutrition to help achieve the goal of overall well-being and optimal mental health. Each of these elements are instrumental in the journey toward health and healing.

Nutritional counseling goes far beyond simple education about diet and the nutritional content of your food. It is a slow and steady process of setting achievable goals that bring you closer to the life you want to live and the health you want to have. I will work patiently with you to best understand your goals, lifestyle and home environment. Together, we will design a personalized plan of action, taking steps toward optimizing your physical and mental health, and we will follow up in regular intervals to keep you motivated, excited and accountable.

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Let's get started,

Lisa Rumbolz, RDN

A traditional couples therapist helps to identify the issues that create tension in a relationship and fosters constructive communication to work through those issues. This approach is an important first step, but may not translate into long-term success. I place my focus on the psychological themes in a relationship that gave birth to those issues in the first place. This is where the real work happens, and this is where sustained improvement takes root.

I offer one or two-hour sessions, occurring every one to two weeks. My goal is to empower YOU toward a successful, healthy and fulfilling marriage… and one without me in it! In other words, my goal is to make my services obsolete. I aim to complete the bulk of our work together within three to six months in the majority of cases. Less frequent booster sessions may still be useful after this point.  

Thank you for taking this step with me.

Let’s get started,

Aryeh Goldberg MD, MA


What Are You Expecting From Your Life?

Do you want a happy life?

Do you want a success?

Why not to get it?

Let’s meet together and discuss your beautiful future

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These People Have Changed Their Lives

Praesent cursus nulla non arcu tempor, ut egestas elit tempus. In ac ex fermentum, gravida felis nec, tincidunt ligula. Sed dapibus mauris ullamcorper.

Etiam pulvinar, urna a iaculis sagittis, purus turpis ornare justo, porta volutpat turpis mi et sapien. Nullam sodales lorem sed pulvinar mattis. Cras gravida, libero in commodo vehicula, mauris mi finibus leo, quis tincidunt turpis augue vitae lorem.

Integer efficitur dictum mi ac lobortis. Sed finibus, diam id mollis auctor, odio ligula sagittis nisl, vitae volutpat metus nisi vitae risus. Donec tempus augue sit amet malesuada pretium.

Etiam pulvinar, urna a iaculis sagittis, purus turpis ornare justo, porta volutpat turpis mi et sapien. Nullam sodales lorem sed pulvinar mattis. Cras gravida,

Cras gravida, libero in commodo vehicula, mauris mi finibus leo, quis tincidunt turpis augue vitae lorem.

Five Steps to Your Success

Contact Me

Sed iaculis dapibus tellus eget condimentum. Curabitur ut tellus congue, convallis tortor

Make an Appointment

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I'll Analyze Your Profile

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Apply Changes

Sed iaculis dapibus tellus eget condimentum. Curabitur ut tellus congue, convallis tortor

Enjoy Your new Life!

Sed iaculis dapibus tellus eget condimentum. Curabitur ut tellus congue, convallis tortor

Diet & Nutrition Counseling

Lisa has more than twenty years of experience in the world of nutrition, having worked in numerous psychiatric and medical healthcare settings. She has counseled thousands of patients and consulted healthcare systems, which enables her to understand both the psychologic and broader systemic barriers to behavioral change.

Lisa believes that a successful journey toward optimal nutritional health begins with a trusted guide who does not only educate and motivate, but joins you in setting realistic, efficient and customized goals.

For more information, or to schedule your appointment today, click the link below, or shoot Lisa an e-mail at:
